The saiga antelope (or Saiga tatarica) is a bovid living on the steppes and grasslands of Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Russia. It is tan in colour, with a pale underside, and has large eyes and rounded ears. The distinctive large nose has broad, mobile nostrils, which is larger in males. Males are also generally built larger and heavier than females, and carry upright, pale, and slightly translucent horns, which are 28cm to 38cm long. They stand 67cm to 81cm tall at the shoulder, are 1.1m to 1.4m long and weigh between 26kg and 69kg. Females are 61cm to 74cm tall, 1m to 1.28m long, and weigh 26kg to 45kg.

Latin Name
Saiga tatarica
Conservation Status
Animal Category
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