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Proboscis Monkey

The proboscis monkey is a species of primate that lives in the rainforests, mangroves and swamp forests of the Isle of Borneo (Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei). The monkeys have dark orange fur on their backs and the top of their heads, paler orange fur on their chests, stomachs and upper arms and grey fur on their lower bodies, legs and forearms. Males have a distinctive elongated nose that hangs down over their lip. Females do not have this pronounced feature, although their noses are still quite prominent for primates.

Malayan Tapir

The Malayan tapir is a mammal native to the rainforests of South East Asia. The Malayan tapir’s head, shoulders, front legs and back legs are black, and their mid-body and back end is white. It is a heavy-set animal and has a distinctive prehensile proboscis nose. Malayan tapirs measure between 1.8 and 2.5m in length and weigh between 250 and 540kg. Females tend to be slightly larger than males and 10% to 20% heavier.


The Ussuri dhole lives in the forests, grasslands and tundra of India, Nepal, China, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Thailand, and is the largest of all subspecies of dhole. The Ussuri dhole has a red coat, white underbelly and narrow muzzle. They have summer and winter coats, with the winter coat being thicker and a brighter red. The dhole has a head-body length of 88-113cm, a tail length of 41-50cm and a shoulder height of 45-55cm. Both sexes are similar in size, but males are significantly heavier than females, with males weighing between 15 and 20kg and females weighing between 10 and 13kg.

Clouded Leopard

The clouded leopard is a medium-sized arboreal cat that lives in the forests and grasslands of South East Asia. It has yellow to grey fur that is covered in large black reticulated rings. Their head, legs and tail are covered in black spots and stripes. Clouded leopards are between 69 and 108cm long, with a tail length of 61 to 91cm. Males are larger than females. Clouded leopards weigh between 11 and 23kg.


The binturong, also known as the bearcat, is a species of mammal that lives in the forests of South and South-East Asia. It has a long, stocky body with comparatively short broad legs. They have wiry black hair with a brown face and white-tipped rounded ears. Females are approximately 20% larger than the males. The binturong has a head-body length of 71-91cm, and a tail length of 56-91cm. The males weigh between 9-20kg and the females weigh between 11-32kg.


The North Sulawesi babirusa is a species of pig native to the Sulawesi island of Indonesia and several small surrounding islands. The North Sulawesi babirusa is mostly hairless with grey skin. Male babirusas have four large tusks that curl back towards their skull. The North Sulawesi babirusa has a head-body length of 85 to 110cm, a tail length of 29 to 32cm and a shoulder height of 58 to 66cm. Male babirusas weigh between 70 and 100kg and female babirusas weigh between 45 and 80kg.

Grey Seal

The Atlantic grey seal is a species of marine mammal that lives around the landmasses of the Atlantic Ocean (UK, Ireland, Iceland, Norway, Denmark, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Canada, USA). Western Atlantic grey seals are significantly larger than the Eastern Atlantic morph. Their males measure between 2.3 and 2.9m in length and weigh 205-370kg, while females measure between 1.9-2.3m in length and weigh 160-250kg.

Giant Otter

The giant otter is a large semi-aquatic mammal that lives in the Amazon river basin and the Pantanal wetlands of South America. The giant otter has thick, velvet-like brown fur with distinctive white markings around its throat. Giant otters have large, webbed feet and a wing like tail adapted for swimming. Male and female giant otters do not differ in size and are typically between 150 and 180cm long, though they vary in weight. Males weigh 26 to 32kg, while females are slightly lighter with 22 to 26kg.

Red Kangaroo

The red kangaroo (or Macropus rufus) is a large species of marsupial mammal that lives throughout Australia, found everywhere except coastal regions and rainforests. Red kangaroos have large L-shaped back legs and small arms, large rabbit-like ears and a long face with a blunt snout. They are a sexually dimorphic species, meaning the males and females look different; the former being significantly larger, standing between 1.3 and 1.6m tall, with a 1.3m long tail, and weighing between 55 and 90kg; the latter are smaller, standing 0.85 - 1.05m tall and weighing 18 to 40kg.


The dingo (or Canis lupus dingo) is a large species of canid that lives throughout Australia. With sandy-coloured fur, a white underside, pointed ears and a long, blunt snout, the dingo is skinny in appearance, averaging between 52 and 60cm in height and measuring 1.2 to 1.5m long. They weigh between 14 and 19kg, with males being slightly larger than females. They are opportunistic predators but also scavengers, resulting in a varied diet of mammals, birds, reptiles, carrion, fruit and vegetables.