Brave a new world in Stranded: Alien Dawn, a planet survival sim placing the fate of a small marooned group in your hands. Forge your story through compelling and immersive strategic gameplay as you make vital decisions to protect your survivors from starvation, disease, extreme weather and more. From basic camps to fortified bases, create a stronghold to defend the survivors from attacks by alien creatures that roam an expansive and deadly alien world. Experience an epic and unpredictable journey.
Brave a new world in Stranded: Alien Dawn, a planet survival sim placing the fate of a small marooned group in your hands. Forge your story through compelling and immersive strategic gameplay as you make vital decisions to protect your survivors.
Stranded: Alien Dawn © 2022 Haemimont Games AD. All Rights Reserved. Published by Frontier Developments PLC.
"Frontier", "Frontier Foundry" and the Frontier logo are trademarks of Frontier Developments PLC. All rights reserved.
Robots and Guardians DLC Coming 7 November
Hello survivors!
Stranded: Alien Dawn - Robots and Guardians
Stranded: Alien Dawn - Patch 1.10.230712, 1.10.230713 & 1.10.230720
Hello Survivors!
A new patch for Stranded: Alien Dawn has just landed on Steam. Thank you again for all your feedback and suggestions since launch.
Keep on reading for the full changelog:
Stranded: Alien Dawn - Update v1.10.230627
Hello Survivors!
A new update for Stranded: Alien Dawn has just landed. Thank you again for all your feedback.
Jungle Update Out Now!
Hello again Survivors!
We are incredibly excited to let you know that the free Jungle Update is out for Stranded: Alien Dawn! Break out the mosquito net, pack your sunscreen and watch out for Swarm Fever, because the tropical Saltu region is now available. This new environment is teeming with unique wildlife, flora, and challenges for both you and your survivors. There are also new gameplay features coming in this update, as well as several quality of life changes and bug fixes.