兔猻 (Otocolobus manul),是一種原生於中亞和東亞的小型野貓,分布的區域西至高加索山,南至喜馬拉亞山。牠最明顯的特徵是一身極厚的長毛,使其有著矮胖毛絨的外觀。灰色的皮毛透著米色到鏽紅色的底色,以及稀疏的黑色斑紋。兔猻的頭部又圓又小,長著厚厚的絨毛,上方露出三角形的小巧雙耳。雌雄兔猻的外觀相似,頭部加身體的長度為 46 公分到 65 公分,尾長為 21 公分到 31 公分,體重為 2.5 公斤到 4.5 公斤。

Latin Name
Otocolobus manul
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
Pallas's cats are no larger than a regular domestic cat, but appear bigger due to the sheer volume of their fur.
The generic name of the Pallas's cat, Otocolobus, is derived from the Greek language and means 'ugly-eared'.
Pallas's cats' fur is the densest of all cats, with up to 9,000 hairs per cm².
The Pallas's cat is an ambush predator and preys on rodents and other small vertebrates. Their plush fur and stout body makes them a poor runner.
Pallas's cats rely on natural crevices in rock formations and cliffs to give birth and find shelter, a habitat that is threatened by human expansion and landscaping.
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