阿拉伯狒狒 (Papio hamadryas) 是一個狒狒物種,這種主要為陸生的大型靈長類動物原生於非洲之角的衣索比亞、吉布地和索馬利亞,還有阿拉伯半島的葉門。阿拉伯狒狒在體型與外觀上都展現出極端的兩性異形。雌性與雄性身上都覆蓋著蓬亂的毛皮,只是雌狒狒為棕色,而雄狒狒為銀白色。此外,雄狒狒脖子周圍有濃密的鬃毛,臉頰周圍也有一圈毛髮。牠們有著像狗一般的口鼻部,紅棕色的臉上沒有毛髮。其臀部有著明顯的坐骨胼胝,這種皮膚角質化後形成的硬墊使牠們能舒服地坐在樹枝和其他粗糙表面上。雄性阿拉伯狒狒體型約為雌性的兩倍大,頭部加身體的長度為 70 到 95 公分,尾長 42 到 60 公分,體重介於 15 至 30 公斤之間。雌性體長則為 50 至 65 公分,尾長 37 到 41 公分,體重則僅介於 10 到 15 公斤之間。

Latin Name
Papio hamadryas
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
The name 'hamadryas' is an Ancient Greek compound word that refers to a dryad that lives inside of a tree.
The patriarchal social structure of the hamadryas baboon is unique among the baboon species.
Hamadryas baboons were deified in Ancient Egypt; the god Thoth was often depicted with the head of a baboon and associated with wisdom, science, magic and judgement.
Baboons live in open grasslands and woodlands due to their largely terrestrial nature. During the day, they walk on the ground foraging for food, and during the night they will climb trees and cliffs to sleep.
Hamadryas baboons are opportunistic omnivores and will eat anything from grasses, seeds and fruit to fish, carrion, and even fresh meat from birds, small monkeys or young antelopes.
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