非洲豹 (Panthera pardus pardus) 是豹的指名亞種,原生於非洲中南部。牠們有著修長的體型和形狀優雅的頭部,毛皮底色從黃色到深金色皆有。身上覆蓋著小而密集的環紋,這些環紋在靠近下半身、臉部和尾巴尖端的部分會逐漸轉變成黑色斑點。其腹部與腿部內側則為白色。非洲豹為兩性異形,雄豹的體型比雌豹更大,體重也更重。雄豹的肩高為 60 到 70 公分,體長 1.52 至 1.83 公尺,尾巴長度約 66 公分,體重落在 58 到 96 公斤之間。雌豹的肩高則為 55 到 65 公分,體長 1.39 至 1.67 公尺,尾巴長度約 60 公分,體重落在 24 到 37.5 公斤之間。

Latin Name
Panthera pardus pardus
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
African leopards are quite arboreal, using trees to cache their kills in order to protect them from other, stronger predators like lions, hyenas or wild dogs.
The African leopard has likely been extirpated from Northern Africa and only the Sub-Saharan populations survive in its original range.
Leopards sometimes occur as a melanistic morph, where the base coat colour is black. The rosettes can still be seen in some lighting circumstances.
The Zulu people revere the leopard as a noble, corageous and honorable create. In their language, it is called 'ingwe'.
Leopards have phenomenal eyesight that supports their nocturnal hunting behaviours. They can see about 7 times better in the dark than humans.
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