红爪雨林蝎 (Heterometrus swammerdami titanicus) 是生活在印度和斯里兰卡热带雨林的一种大型蛛形纲动物。这种体型粗壮的黑色蝎子长有厚实的几丁质外壳和硕大的螯爪,有些个体的角质层上还会泛着蓝色或绿色的光泽。红爪雨林蝎的螯爪能捕捉并击垮猎物,但它们的毒性相对较弱,这很可能是因为比起使用螫刺攻击,它们更仰赖螯爪的威力。

Latin Name
Heterometrus swammerdami titanicus
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
The giant forest scorpion is the largest species of scorpion in the world, reaching up to 23cm in length.
The giant forest scorpion, like all scorpions, glows under ultraviolet light.
The giant forest scorpion is more likely to use its pincers to attack than to use its sting.
Giant forest scorpions can survive a whole year without eating.
Giant forest scorpions can remain underwater for 48-hours and survive.