小熊猫 (Ailurus fulgens) 是生活在喜马拉雅山区林地和中国多个地区的小型哺乳类动物。虽然名为小熊猫,它们与大熊猫其实没有紧密关系,不过两者确实有一些共同特征,例如它们都以竹子为主食。小熊猫有红色的毛皮、黑色的四肢、有环纹的尾巴以及白色的耳朵和口鼻部。它们从头到身体的长度为 50 到 64 厘米,尾巴则为 28 到 59 厘米长。它们是爬树高手和游泳健将,喜欢生活在丰富多变的环境。

Latin Name
Ailurus fulgens
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
The red panda is also known as the ‘firefox’.
Red pandas have fur on the soles of their paws that help with scent marking and provide protection from the cold.
Red Pandas have a modified wrist bone that forms a ‘sixth finger’; they use it for stripping bamboo.
Pregnant red pandas will build nests in rock crevices and hollow trees before they give birth to their cubs.
In 2005, a red panda called ‘Babu’ escaped from Birmingham Nature Centre, UK into the city centre. He became a local celebrity and was named ‘Brummie of the Year’ in 2005 – the only non-human to ever win the award.