澤巨蜥 (Varanus salvator) 是原生於東南亞與印度次大陸較溫暖地區各地雨林、沼澤與紅樹林的大型爬蟲類動物。體色為深綠至黑色,全身布滿淺褐與黃色網狀斑紋。這些網狀紋路在尾巴上通常以環帶模樣呈現。澤巨蜥是雌雄異型,雄性體型較大。雄性巨蜥體長在 1.5 公尺到 2 公尺之間,體重在 5 公斤到 50 公斤之間,平均為 20 公斤,而雌性體長在 1.2 公尺到 1.8 公尺之間,體重在 2 公斤到 22 公斤之間。


Latin Name
Varanus salvator
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Associated Product
Animal Facts
Asian water monitors can dislocate their hyoid bone in their neck, so they can swallow large chunks of food without chewing.
Asian water monitors are known to dig up graves in search of food.
The Asian water monitor can hold its breath for up to 30 minutes.
The bite of the Asian water monitor is very strong and mildly venomous due to the presence of venom glands. While the bite is reportedly very painful, the venom is not lethal to humans.
The Asian water monitor is one of the heaviest species of lizards, second only to the Komodo dragon.
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