山魈 (Mandrillus sphinx) 是一种大型猴子,生活在喀麦隆、加蓬、赤道几内亚与刚果的雨林和高原。它们有着橄榄色到深灰色的毛皮、白色的肚子,还有非常好认的脸部色彩:脸上有一条很长的粉红色部位,穿过口鼻部中央延伸到鼻孔,两侧有蓝色的颊片。脸上也有黄色的胡须。

Latin Name
Mandrillus sphinx
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
The mandrill is the largest monkey species in the world.
A group of mandrills is called a 'horde'; a horde can include up to 1300 individuals. Female mandrills live in family groups and all help each other with raising infants.
Mandrills have large cheek pouches that they store food in, often hiding food from their group mates to eat it in peace later.
The bright colours of a male mandrill's face and hindquarters are caused by testosterone and indicate the male's dominance level.
In 'The Descent of Man', Charles Darwin wrote that 'no other member in the whole class of mammals is coloured in so extraordinary a manner as the adult male mandrill'.