红带箭毒蛙 (Oophaga lehmanni) 是哥伦比亚安奇卡亚河谷雨林的特有两栖物种,全世界只能在这里看到。这种蛙类喜欢住在枯枝落叶层,偶尔也会在低矮的树丛出没。它们的背部、头部和腿部上有深棕色至黑色的横宽带,其中穿插可能为红色、黄色或橙色的鲜艳色带。成蛙的平均身长为 31 至 36 毫米。

Latin Name
Oophaga lehmanni
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
The frog's colouration acts as a warning to potential predators that it's toxic. The toxins on the frog's skin causes intense pain and swelling.
The frog's natural range is very small 10km² so it's vulnerable to habitat loss through deforestation.
Overexploitation has been a threat to the frog – the pet trade capitalise on its unique colouration and patterning.
Lehmann's poison frog tadpoles often grow into froglets in small pockets of water in hollow trees or bamboo branches.
The tadpoles are also cannibalistic, so the father will separate the eggs before they hatch.