日本猕猴 (Macaca fuscata) 是日本列岛的特有种猕猴。它们能在许多不同的环境下生存,包括日本北部的亚北极森林。它们有褐色的厚毛皮、白色的腹部和粉红色的脸,雄猴平均体长 57 厘米、体重 11 公斤。雌猴的体型较小,约长 52 厘米、重 8 公斤。雄雌猴会在 10 到 100 只猴子组成的猴群中一起生活,其中包括血缘相通、关系紧密的雌猴群,以及从其他猴群移居而来、没有血缘关系的雄猴。日本猕猴并不是濒危物种,在野外生存状态良好,甚至有时数量过多,必须予以扑杀,避免伤害作物与树木。

Latin Name
Macaca fuscata
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
Japanese macaques are well adapted to the cold, capable of withstanding temperatures of -20ºC.
Female Japanese macaques become good friends by grooming each other.
Japanese macaques have been seen washing sand and dirt off sweet potatoes prior to eating them.
Japanese macaques enjoy warming up in hot springs in cold winters; something they learned from watching humans.
Some groups of Japanese macaques play with stones; with primates, this is often a precursor to learning to use tools.