蓝孔雀 (Pavo cristatus) 就是俗称的孔雀,它们是原生于南亚的大型鸟类,但人类已将它们引进世界各地。雄孔雀以亮丽的艳蓝色羽毛和特大的装饰尾羽闻名,它们会将尾羽展开,展示尾羽的大小和有眼状斑点特征的独特羽毛。这样的行为既可以讨雌鸟欢心,也能恫吓其他雄鸟。雌孔雀的外观极为不同,有着棕色的羽毛,脖子背后有一点蓝色,并且没有尾羽。然而不论雄雌,蓝孔雀的头上都有羽毛头冠。

Latin Name
Pavo cristatus
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
The Indian peafowl is the national bird of India and represents wisdom in the religion of Buddhism.
There is a direct correlation between how many eye-spots a peacock has on his tail-fan and how successful he is finding mates.
Peahens are often more aggressive than peacocks. They will fight other females to gain access to a particularly attractive male and prevent others from getting close to him.
Peacocks will moult and lose all their tail feathers in a 2 week period during late summer. They spend the winter re-growing them ready for the following mating season.
Peafowl often kill and eat baby cobras. This behaviour has lead to them being respected and revered in Indian folklore.