印度象又叫亚洲象 (Elephas maximus indicus),原生于中亚和东南亚,有着独特的象鼻、较小的耳朵和灰色的皮肤,脸部周围有粉红色的斑。它们的体型比非洲象小,雄象平均身高约 2.75 米,体重约 4,000 公斤,雌象则是平均 2.40 米和 2,400 公斤。它们是大型的草食动物,可以在许多不同环境生存,包括森林、草原和山地,并以当地的树叶、树皮和草为食。

Latin Name
Elephas maximus indicus
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
Elephants migrate at the beginning of the dry season to areas with more food and water.
Despite popular opinion, elephants do not use their trunk to drink; they use it to funnel water into their mouth.
Elephants have been known to use tree branches to swat flies, dislodge parasites and scratch themselves.
In the wild, elephants have mutualistic relationships with birds that remove parasites from their skin.
Indian elephants are more closely related to mammoths than African elephants.