灰熊原生于美国北部与加拿大,它们其实是棕熊的一个亚种 (学名为 Ursus arctos horribilis),为避免搞混,常常有人称它们为北美棕熊。灰熊的特征包括厚重的棕色毛皮、肩部有一块大突起、笔直的口鼻和圆形的耳朵。它们有着强而有力的前脚,上面长有适合挖掘和狩猎的长爪。它们也能长到相当大的体型,但不同地区的灰熊往往有显著的体型差距,雄熊一般重约 240 公斤、体长 2.2 米;雌熊则一般重约 160 公斤、体长 1.8 米。

Latin Name
Ursus arctos horribilis
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
Grizzly bears hibernate for 5-7 months a year; they will eat huge amounts before hibernating to gain enough weight to survive this time without eating.
The 'hump' visible on a grizzly bear's back is a large amount of muscle that bears use when digging dens or hunting prey.
Grizzly bears can gain 180kg of weight when preparing for hibernation.
In the wild each cub in a grizzly bear litter may have a different father.
Grizzly bears love to eat moths, and will make the extra effort to find moths by climbing to high altitudes and overturning rocks.