巨人食鸟蛛 (Theraphosa blondi) 是原生于苏里南、圭亚那、法属圭亚那、巴西和委内瑞拉热带雨林与沼泽湿地的超巨型狼蛛。其身体呈棕褐色,覆有红棕色的毛,有着硕大的腹部、大而浑圆的胸部、粗壮的腿节和长长的触肢 (口器)。雌蛛的体型比雄蛛大,两者的腹部末端都有用于结网的显眼“吐丝器”。巨人食鸟蛛结网是为了制造卵囊和输送精子,而不是为了捕猎。

Latin Name
Theraphosa blondi
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
The Goliath birdeater is the largest species of spider in the world; the body can be 12cm long and the leg span can be 28cm.
In this species of spider, the female does not kill and eat the male during or after mating.
When threatened, goliath birdeaters release hairs from their abdomen that cause severe skin irritation.
The venom of the Goliath birdeater is not strong to humans and is comparable to wasp sting venom.
The Goliath birdeater is a delicacy in the local cuisine of Northeastern South America.