金色箭毒蛙 (Phyllobates terribilis) 是生长于哥伦比亚太平洋沿岸雨林的特有种箭毒蛙。虽说是“金色”,但其实它们多呈薄荷绿、黄色和橙色。这种蛙类平均身长约 50 至 55 毫米,带有剧毒的表皮是它们防范掠食者的防御机制,明亮的体色则是对任何潜在威胁者的警告。它们住在枯枝落叶层,不像其他蛙类一样需要傍水而居,但仍需要将卵带到有水的地方。

Latin Name
Phyllobates terribilis
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
The golden poison frog is the largest species of poison dart frog.
A single golden poison frog has enough poison on its skin to kill between 10 and 20 people.
Captive frogs do not produce toxins because they cannot eat the same invertebrates as they do in the wild, which are the source of the poison.
Indigenous tribes that live in the rainforest use the frog's poison on poison darts for hunting, hence their name.
Most species of tree frog are extremely secretive and will hide often, but this species is quite fearless, likely due to its toxicity making it invulnerable to attack.