犀牛蟑螂 (Macropanesthia rhinoceros) 是原生于澳大利亚北部灌木丛和干燥森林地带的大型昆虫。它们大约长 8 厘米,重 30 克,体色呈红棕色。其别名“巨型挖洞蟑螂”来自于它们会在沙地挖洞的习性,洞往往深达 1 米。犀牛蟑螂易于饲养且被抓起来时不会抗拒,是相当流行的宠物。

Latin Name
Macropanesthia rhinoceros
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
The giant burrowing cockroach is the heaviest species of cockroach and can weigh up to 35g.
The giant burrowing cockroach gives birth to live young.
Giant burrowing cockroach males have a 'scoop' like shield on top of their head, which they use for digging and for fighting with rival males.
Giant burrowing cockroaches 'hiss' by pushing air out of their body segments. They do this when disturbed or when fighting.
Unlike other cockroach species, the giant burrowing cockroach does not have any wings and also can't climb.