巴西黑腹栉足蛛 (Phoneutria nigriventer) 是原生于南美洲的蛛形纲动物,主要分布于雨林地带,但也常见于人类城市。这种大型毒蜘蛛体色呈浅棕色,有着毛茸茸的身体,腿上布有黑色条纹。雄蛛体型比雌蛛略小,腹部则是明显小得多,口器旁称为“触肢”的多节附肢末端呈球状,可用来判断性别。它们足展在 130 至 150 毫米之间,身体平均为 17 毫米宽、48 毫米长。巴西黑腹栉足蛛会将两对前足举起并左右摆动,这是它们的招牌防御动作。

Latin Name
Phoneutria nigriventer
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
The Brazilian wandering spider is so named because it wanders the forest floor at night searching for prey rather than building a web or lair. During the day, it hides in termite mounds, under logs or rocks.
The genus name for the Brazilian wandering spider is 'Phoneutria' which means 'murderess' in Greek.
Female Brazilian wandering spiders are more venomous than males.
The venom of the Brazilian wandering spider can cause paralysis and asphyxiation, and is one of the most deadly spider venoms to humans. However, wandering spiders are unlikely to bite unless surprised, and they often do not inject venom with their bites.
The Brazilian wandering spider is also known as the banana spider because it is often found hiding in banana plants, and has occasionally been shipped to foreign countries in banana crates.