大藍閃蝶 (Morpho menelaus) 是一種生活在熱帶草原和林地中的蝴蝶,可在中南美洲發現其蹤跡。牠有十分鮮豔的亮藍色和青綠色翅膀,邊緣有黑色的輪廓線和白色的斑點。翅膀上的鱗片結構能賦予牠們獨特的虹彩外觀。翅膀的背面則是棕色的,且充滿多個眼狀斑點。雄性大藍閃蝶的體型較雌性小,且有更亮麗的藍色翅膀和較細的輪廓線。平均而言,大藍閃蝶的翼展為 12 公分。這種蝴蝶的毛毛蟲是紅棕色的,蛹則是綠色的,且生有尖刺以抵禦掠食者。

Latin Name
Morpho menelaus
Conservation Status
Animal Category
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Animal Facts
The Menelaus blue morpho mainly feeds on fermented fruit. It has been suggested that this food source intoxicates the butterfly, causing it to fly slowly and clumsily.
The Menelaus blue morpho is named after the mythological King of Sparta, Menelaus, who started the Trojan war.
The Menelaus blue morpho caterpillar does not spin a cocoon like other species of butterfly, but instead grows the cocoon shell under its skin.
The wings of the Menelaus blue morpho butterfly are highly iridescent and have been researched by scientists to see how it can be replicated technologically.
The Menelaus blue morpho can fly in the rain due to the hydrophobic nature of its wings.
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