黃菲粉蝶 (Phoebis sennae) 是一種可在溫帶開闊地區例如北美、中美與南美洲草原、公園、花園、河道與海岸見到的蝴蝶。牠們黃色的翅膀上有棕色和/或黑色的圓點和邊線。雌性的體色通常沒有雄性鮮豔,並且在深色的翅膀邊緣具有黃點。黃菲粉蝶的翼展為 5.5 至 7.8 公分長。幼蟲通體鮮黃或鮮綠,兩側各有一條黃色的條紋與藍點。

Latin Name
Phoebis sennae
Conservation Status
Animal Category
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Animal Facts
The cloudless sulphur is a migratory butterfly, with populations from the USA often travelling to Mexico or the Caribbean to overwinter.
When migrating, the cloudless sulphur can travel 20km a day.
The cloudless sulphur is often observed feeding from mud; it is thought that this may be a source of salt for the butterfly.
The chrysalis of the cloudless sulphur looks like a leaf, and the pupa inside will wriggle when touched to scare off predators.
The egg of the cloudless sulphur is pure white when first laid, but becomes yellow-orange as it approaches hatching time.
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