條紋鬣狗 (Hyaena hyaena) 是一種廣食性掠食者和食腐動物,原生於北非、中東和西亞。牠們生活的環境很多樣,從開闊的莽原、草原和林地,到乾燥的山區都有分布。條紋鬣狗有強壯的前肢、粗壯的頸部和較短的後腿,因此身體前側較高、後側較低。牠們有寬大的頭部和口鼻部、大大的尖耳朵,且兩眼間距較寬。條紋鬣狗的毛皮呈棕色,身上與腿上有垂直的黑色條紋。背部從頭到尾都長有長長的鬃毛,尾段則形成多毛的粗尾巴。雄性和雌性的外表相似,不過雄性的體型比雌性稍大且更重一些。雄性條紋鬣狗肩高 65 至 80 公分,身長 85 至 130 公分,尾巴長 25 至 40 公分,體重則為 26 至 41 公斤。雌性站立時的肩高 60 至 75 公分,身長 85 至 105 公分,尾巴長 25 至 40 公分,體重介於 26 至 34 公斤之間。

Latin Name
Hyaena hyaena
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Associated Product
Animal Facts
The striped hyena is the national animal of Lebanon.
North Indian folklore suggests that witches and wizards ride striped hyenas at night.
Striped hyenas can be beneficial in urban areas because they are excellent at waste disposal; in some African villages, residents will leave rubbish out for the hyenas to eat.
Striped hyenas are known to dig up graves and scavenge corpses, which has led to persecution by humans.
Striped hyenas can be tamed and trained, and were used by ancient Egyptians as hunting companions.
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