紅頸袋鼠 (Notamacropus rufogriseus) 是原生於澳洲東部與塔斯馬尼亞的中型有袋目動物。身為袋鼠科的成員,牠們同樣擁有代表性的健壯後腿與粗尾巴、相對較短小的前臂、大大的耳朵和鈍平的口鼻部。紅頸袋鼠的毛色為灰色帶一點紅棕色,且腹部顏色較淺。牠們的耳尖、鼻子周圍和腳上的毛是黑色的。此物種存在雌雄異型,雄性的體型比雌性大。雄性紅頸袋鼠站立時高度介於 76 至 93 公分之間,尾巴長約 69 至 88 公分,體重介於 15 至 26.8公斤之間。雌性為 66 至 80 公分高,尾巴有 62 至 78 公分長,體重為 11 至 15.5 公斤。

Latin Name
Notamacropus rufogriseus
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Associated Product
Animal Facts
A red-necked wallaby joey measures 2cm to 2.5cm at birth and weighs only 1g.
Wallabies have multiple stomach chambers, similar to ruminants like cattle, which allow them to regurgitate food to chew and swallow again.
Albinism occurs occasionally in this species. One population of the subspecies living in Tasmania is entirely albinistic.
The milk of the red-necked wallaby changes composition to match the current developmental needs of the joey.
Red-necked wallabies can independently rotate their ears up to 180° to pick up sounds of predators.
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