鬃狼 (Chrysocyon brachyurus) 棲息於阿根廷、巴西、巴拉圭和烏拉圭的樹林、草地和灌木叢,是一種犬科動物,以其頸部中央到肩胛骨的深色厚鬃毛得名。鬃狼四肢細長,整體外觀瘦長,身上覆蓋著紅色的蓬亂毛皮,腿上則有黑色的短毛。雄性和雌性鬃狼體型和外貌相似,肩高 73 公分至 95 公分、身長 95 公分至 115 公分、尾巴長 30 公分至 40 公分、體重介於 20 公斤至 29 公斤。

Latin Name
Chrysocyon brachyurus
Conservation Status
Animal Category
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Animal Facts
The maned wolf has particularly long legs, which are an adaptation for hunting in long grass.
Maned wolves have particularly strong smelling urine that is used for marking their territory.
Despite its name, the maned wolf is not a true wolf. It is the only member of the genus 'Chrysocyon', which translates to 'golden dog' from Greek.
Maned wolf cubs are black at birth and their fur gradually changes to red as they age.
Maned wolves are omnivores, and in the wild up to 90% of their diet are made up of the ‘wolf apples’, the fruit of a tree native to the Cerrado.
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