鴯鶓 (Dromaius novaehollandiae) 是世界上第二大不會飛的鳥類,僅次於鴕鳥。鴯鶓生活在澳洲的莽原和林地。鴯鶓有長而禿的脖子,可能帶有藍色調,從脖子中段開始有蓬鬆的棕色羽毛,以及灰色長腿和三趾大腳。鴯鶓有灰色的喙、橘色眼睛和頭頂的簇絨羽毛。雄性和雌性看起來很相似,儘管雌性鴯鶓通常比雄性更大更重。雄性鴯鶓身高 1.5 公尺至 1.8 公尺、身長 1.39 公尺至 1.57 公尺、體重 30 公斤至 55 公斤。雌性身高 1.6 公尺至 1.9 公尺、身長 1.5 公尺至 1.64 公尺、體重 35 公斤至 60 公斤。

Latin Name
Dromaius novaehollandiae
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Associated Product
Animal Facts
Emus can reach a top speed of 48km/h.
Emu males incubate the eggs and care for the chicks.
The emu has two sets of eyelids: one set is visible and is used for blinking; the other set is transparent and used for protection from dirt.
Emus are the only bird species with calf muscles.
In the 1930s, the Australian government attempted to utilise their military to cull emus that were migrating through farmlands in an operation known as ‘The Great Emu War’. The Australian government officially lost this war.
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