黑尾牛羚 (Connochaetes taurinus) 是原生於非洲南部的大型牛羚,又名為牛羚、白鬚牛羚或斑紋角馬。牠們的毛皮為淺灰色或棕色,脖子、肩膀和胸部有深色條紋。黑尾牛羚有一條長長的黑色尾巴和長長的黑色鬃毛,根據亞種的不同或直立或懸垂在脖子上。脖子下方的鬍鬚為白色。本物種是雌雄異型,雄性體型比雌性大,但雄性和雌性都有獨特的 L 形長角。雄性的肩高為 1.23 公尺至 1.65 公尺、身長 1.7 公尺至 2.4 公尺、體重介於 165 公斤至 290 公斤。另一方面,雌性的肩高為 1.14 公尺至 1.42 公尺、身長 1.75 公尺至 2.15 公尺、體重 140 公斤至 260 公斤。

Latin Name
Connochaetes taurinus
Conservation Status
Animal Category
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Animal Facts
Blue wildebeest are so named because their coat has a blue sheen to it.
Blue wildebeest are known to migrate over 1000 miles every year and cross 2 rivers to do so.
Up to 90% of blue wildebeest offspring are all born within a 2 week birthing period.
Blue wildebeest are often seen in herds with plains zebra. The two species don’t compete for food though because zebras prefer long grass and wildebeest can then graze on the shorter grasses.
Not all blue wildebeest migrate; some female groups form closely bonded resident herds and remain in the same area year round.
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