加拉帕戈斯象龟 (Chelonoidis nigra) 是加拉帕戈斯群岛特有的爬行类动物,全世界只有该群岛上看得到这种象龟。它们有两种类型:鞍背象龟和圆背象龟。这两种类型的象龟都有暗灰褐色的龟壳和干燥的灰色皮肤。鞍背象龟脖子较长,居住在干燥的低地地区,而圆背象龟脖子较短,居住在潮湿的高地地区。两者都可以长到非常巨大的体型,雄龟平均体重为 272 至 317 公斤,雌龟平均体重则介于 136 至 181 公斤之间。

Latin Name
Chelonoidas nigra
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
The tortoise's shell is made up of conjoined protective keratin plates that are fused with the ribs.
There are multiple subspecies of Giant Galapagos tortoises across the islands. The size and appearance of the tortoises is often different depending on which island they are from.
Galapagos tortoises have a mutualistic relationship with finches and mockingbirds on the islands, allowing these birds to remove parasites from where their legs meet their shell.