台湾黑熊 (Ursus thibetanus formosanus) 是台湾特有的亚洲黑熊亚种。它们拥有结实的体格、黑色的毛皮、圆圆的耳朵和长直的口鼻部;此外还有它们最具特色的独特外观特征,也就是胸前的 V 字型白色斑纹。雌性和雄性的台湾黑熊在外观上有所差异:雄性的体型比雌性还要大许多。雄性的平均体重和身长为 135 公斤和 1.7 米,雌性平均则为 70 公斤和 1.35 米。

Latin Name
Ursus thibetanus formosanus
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
Formosan black bears are also known as 'moon bears' due to the crescent-shaped white patch on their chests.
Unlike other black bear subspecies, Formosan black bears do not hibernate in the winter.
The movement of black bears can appear clumsy and slow, but they can run at 25mph when they want to. They are also good swimmers and can catch fish.
Formosan black bears are good climbers and may spend up to half their time in trees. Pregnant females often make their dens in hollow trees.