非洲象 (Loxodonta africana) 原生于撒哈拉以南非洲地区的莽原、森林和山区,是一种体型庞大结实的哺乳类动物,具有灰色外皮和它们特有的长鼻子,鼻子可用来发声、饮水及抓取食物。雄性和雌性非洲象均有长牙,并且都以其智慧和牢固的社交连结闻名,尤其是母亲与孩子间的连结。雌性象群的连结是一辈子的,即使象群分裂,雌性非洲象也会记得家族中的成员,并与日后可能遇到的成员进行交流。

Latin Name
Loxodonta africana
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
An African Savannah elephant’s tusks grow throughout its life; an adult male’s can grow 7cm per year.
In Tanzania, there is an island that has been dubbed ‘Elephant Island’ by locals because elephants will swim there to eat palm leaves and coconuts.
African Savannah elephants give themselves mud baths by spraying water and soil over their backs to protect them from the sun.
Male elephants go through a periodic state called ‘musth’; a time of heightened aggression and fertility due to an increase in testosterone.
African Savannah elephants are very important seed dispersers; the seeds of the plants and trees they eat are spread far and wide in their dung.