赤狐 (Vulpes vulpes) 是體型中等的犬科動物,分布於歐洲、亞洲和北美洲各地,在北非的某些區域也能看到牠們的蹤跡。赤狐的身上有厚厚的紅色毛皮,毛色可能會夾雜褐色或黑色,腹部則是白色的。牠們的長尾巴毛茸茸的,腿部是具代表性的黑色。雄性的總長介於 96 至 115 公分,其中尾巴佔了 32 至 38 公分。牠們站立時的肩高介於 35 至 50 公分,體重介於 4.3 至 7.6 公斤。雌性的體型較小、重量較輕,總長介於 91 至 110 公分,其中尾巴佔了 30 至 36 公分;站立時肩高介於 33 至 47 公分,體重介於 3.4 至 6.1 公斤。

Latin Name
Vulpes vulpes
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Associated Product
Animal Facts
The red fox is the most widespread species of terrestrial carnivore in the world.
Red foxes are very vocal and have 20 different types of call.
Red foxes have excellent hearing and can hear their prey make slight movements even when underground.
The red fox ‘grins’ when it is afraid or demonstrating submission, which can be misinterpreted by humans as a sign of happiness.
Male foxes are called ‘tods’, females are called ‘vixens’ and their young are called ‘kits’.
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