塔斯馬尼亞袋熊 (Vombatus ursinus) 又稱為粗毛袋熊或祼鼻袋熊,屬於有袋目動物,生長在澳洲東南部和塔斯馬尼亞的灌木叢及森林中。牠們擁有又圓又矮的身體、短而健壯的四肢,以及扁扁的口鼻部,身上覆滿了粗糙的灰褐色毛皮。塔斯馬尼亞袋熊從鼻尖至臀部的長度介於 90 至 115 公分,體重介於 22 至 39 公斤。雄性和雌性在外觀上沒有明顯的差異。

Latin Name
Vombatus ursinus
Conservation Status
Animal Category
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Animal Facts
The common wombat can achieve and maintain a speed of 40kmh for up to 90 seconds.
The wombat’s closest living relative is the koala.
The skin of the common wombat is extremely tough – it often uses its hindquarters to block burrow entrances from predators as it can withstand strong bites.
The word ‘wombat’ comes from the Darug language, which was spoken by the Aboriginal Darug people native to the Sydney basin.
Wombat faeces are cube shaped, and are used to mark territories or attract mates.
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