大長臂猿 (Symphalangus syndactylus) 是一種棲息在馬來半島與印尼蘇門答臘島雨林的長臂猿。牠們身上覆滿全黑的蓬亂毛髮,臉部的毛為灰色且較細。大長臂猿的手臂很長,臂展約為身長的兩倍,牠們的雙腿較短且粗壯,沒有尾巴。牠們其中一項最著名的特色是下巴下方的喉囊,在發出其獨特叫聲時會充氣脹大。大長臂猿一般身長 75 公分至 100 公分,體重介於 10 公斤至 13 公斤之間。此物種與其他長臂猿一樣,只有極少的雌雄異型情況,甚至完全不存在雌雄異型。

Latin Name
Symphalangus syndactylus
Conservation Status
Animal Category
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Animal Facts
Siamang monogamous pairs will often sing together for several minutes to mark and defend their territory and bond with each other.
The Siamang is the largest species of gibbon.
Siamangs play an important role in their native ecosystems, as frugivores they aid forest regeneration by spreading seeds via defecation.
Two toes on the siamang’s feet are connected by membrane, a feature unique to the siamang within the gibbon family.
Siamang families develop very close bonds; parents mate for life and the whole group travels together.
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