歐洲獾 (Meles meles) 是一種大型貂科物種,棲息於歐洲各地的林地、灌木叢,甚至人造公園和牧場中。獾最醒目的特徵是牠們臉上的紋路,在白色的臉上有兩條明顯的黑色條紋,從脖子經過耳朵與眼睛,一路延伸到鼻子。其身軀被濃密的灰毛所覆蓋,腿部為黑色,身體兩側的毛色則較淺。歐洲獾肩高 25 至 30 公分,頭部加身體的長度為 60 至 90 公分,尾巴不長,大約 12 至 24 公分。雄獾與雌獾的體型大致相同,但一般而言雄獾稍微重一些,約 9.1 至 16.7 公斤,雌獾約 6.6 至 13.9 公斤。

Latin Name
Meles meles
Conservation Status
Animal Category
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Animal Facts
In some European countries, badgers are attributed as the heralds of spring in folklore. They commonly occur in fables, where they are described as reclusive and courageous, likely due to their shy and nocturnal behaviour.
European badgers commonly eat hedgehogs; one of the only species that are able to do so due to their tough paws and dextrous claws.
European badger hair is often used for shaving brushes and for making sporrans.
European badgers do not eat or defecate in or near their sett; they create latrine areas to keep their sett clean.
European badgers were killed throughout the 1960s and 70s to prevent the spread of rabies. In the United Kingdom culling of European badger populations has led to a decrease of tuberculosis in cattle.
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