歐亞猞猁 (Lynx lynx) 是體型中等的貓科動物,可見於歐洲與亞洲溫帶及北方森林與山區。體格寬大結實,腿部粗大,並以短尾與耳朵獨特的簇毛聞名。毛色多樣,自淡黃色至棕色皆有,全身帶有黑色斑點。尾巴尖端與耳朵簇毛都是黑色。雄猞猁與雌猞猁外形相似,不過雄猞猁體性略大且體重重上許多。雄歐亞猞猁重 20 公斤,最重可達 45 公斤,頭部加身體的長度為 98 至 109 公分,肩高 60 至 75 公分。雌猞猁體重僅 18 至 25 公斤,頭部加身體的長度為 94 至 106 公分,肩高 54 至 68 公分。短尾巴不論性別皆為 11 至 24 公分。

Latin Name
Lynx lynx
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Associated Product
Animal Facts
The Eurasian lynx is the largest of the four species of lynx, and has one of the widest ranges of all wild cats.
During the winter, the Eurasian lynx grows thick fur on its feet so it can move unimpeded through the snow.
The Eurasian lynx is an extremely quiet animal except during the mating season, when they vocalize a lot in order to locate and attract mates.
The Eurasian lynx is Romania’s National animal.
Due to the wide distribution of the Eurasian lynx, there are multiple described subspecies, although definitive subspecies placement can often prove difficult due to overlapping ranges and similar appearances.
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