羱羊 (Capra Ibex) 是原生於義大利、法國、德國、瑞士、奧地利與斯洛維尼亞等地之阿爾卑斯山區的巨型山羊。其厚實的毛皮全身均為棕色,腹部顏色較淺而腿部與尾巴顏色較深。羱羊長有向身後彎曲的多脊大角。雄性的體型較雌性大,體重也較重。角約 69 至 98 公分,身長 1.49 至 1.71 公尺,高 0.9 至 1.05 公尺,重 80 公斤至 100 公斤。雌羱羊角約 18 至 35 公分,身長 1.21 至 1.41 公尺,高 0.73 至 0.84 公尺,體重僅介於 17 至 32 公斤之間。

Latin Name
Capra ibex
Conservation Status
Animal Category
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Animal Facts
Alpine ibexes appear to be under little threat from predators, with most ibexes dying of old age, diseases or starvation.
The diet of Alpine ibexes is naturally deficient of salt, which is why they will often lick leached salt off of rocky surfaces.
Alpine ibex are extremely good climbers and are often seen in precarious positions on near vertical mountainsides.
Male ibexes in smaller groups base their hierarchy on horn size, the larger an individual’s horns the higher his position in the group.
Ibex hooves have curved undersides and thin edges that act like suction cups enabling them to grip to steep surfaces.
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