黑白領狐猴 (Varecia variegata) 是原生於馬達加斯加東部熱帶雨林的靈長類動物。正如其名,毛皮由獨特的黑白斑組成:腹部、頭部、爪子與尾巴是黑色,而四肢、背部與獨特的環狀毛是白色。黑白領狐猴身長 50 至 55 公分,尾巴約 60 公分。雌性體型略大於雄性,與其他狐猴相同。

Latin Name
Varecia variegata
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
Black-and-white ruffed lemurs are important to the ecosystem as pollinators: When feeding on nectar, pollen sticks to their dense ruff and face, which they will then carry on to other plants.
A group of black-and-white ruffed lemurs is called a ‘conspiracy’.
Despite their comparatively small size, black-and-white ruffed lemurs have the second loudest call of all primates.
Black-and-white ruffed lemurs have scent glands on their wrists, which they will rub on trees to mark their territories.
Black-and-white ruffed lemurs are generally found high up in trees, foraging in the upper canopies up to 35m high.