北美河狸是棲息在美國和加拿大溫帶林地和沿河區域的大型齧齒動物。北美河狸有雙層毛皮,意思是其毛皮表面有一層長而粗的毛髮,底下還有一層較短而細的毛髮。這種毛皮使河狸的毛皮看起來很粗糙。河狸的外觀有可能是棕色、紅色或褐色,有小耳朵和小眼睛、高高豎起的黑色鼻子,以及明顯的巨大門牙。北美河狸頭部加身體的長度為 74 至 90 公分,尾長 20 至 35 公分,體重介於 11 至 32 公斤之間。

Latin Name
Castor canadensis
Conservation Status
Animal Category
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Animal Facts
North American beavers can remain underwater for up to 15 minutes.
North American beavers can recognize their relatives even if they are born several years apart and have never previously met.
North American beavers may slap their tail on the surface of water repeatedly in response to danger.
North American beavers are known to store food branches underwater near their lodge so they have food throughout the winter.
The North American beaver secretes an oil called ‘castoreum’ which it uses to waterproof its fur – it can be used in perfume and food production.
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