許多駝鹿的亞種都原產自挪威、瑞典、芬蘭、俄羅斯、愛沙尼亞、拉脫維亞、立陶宛、波蘭、美國和加拿大。牠們棲息在北方的落葉林地,主食為樹木和木本植物的嫩芽。駝鹿是具有厚重棕色毛皮和顯著頸部肉峰的巨型鹿類,有著獨特的鼻部。阿拉斯加駝鹿是體型最大的亞種,雄性體型極大,肩高介於 1.7 至 2.3 公尺之間,頭部加身體的長度為 2.4 至 3.1 公尺,體重為 380 至 700 公斤。成年雄性駝鹿具有大型掌狀鹿角,上面根據時節可能會有茸毛覆蓋。阿拉斯加駝鹿的鹿角約 1.4 至 1.8 公尺寬。雌性駝鹿的體型相仿,但體重要少得多,通常介於 200 至 490 公斤之間,且沒有鹿角。

Latin Name
Alces alces
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Associated Product
Animal Facts
The moose is the largest and heaviest species of deer.
The calls of the female moose during mating season can be heard 3.2km away.
The tongue, gums and lips of the moose are very tough to allow them to pick through and chew very woody material.
Moose have no upper front teeth but very sharp lower front teeth.
During the mating season male moose may become so aggressive that they will attack indiscriminately; they have been known to attack humans, wolves, deer and bears. Moose attacks are the most frequent kind of animal attack in the Americas.
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