加州海獅是原產於美國西部和墨西哥海岸地區的海獅科動物。這種海獅通常是深棕色,兩側和腹部的顏色較淺,但有部分雌性是淡棕色。幼海獅的外觀極為不同,具有褐色的蓬鬆幼年毛皮,這層毛皮會在 5 至 7 個月大時脫落,並長出成年毛皮。雄性加州海獅體長 2.25 至 2.5 公尺,體重 250 至 350 公斤。雌性體型要小得多,體長 1.8 至 2.1 公尺,體重 80 至 100 公斤。

Latin Name
Zalophus californianus
Conservation Status
Animal Category
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Animal Facts
California sea lions are the fastest species of seal, they can swim at speeds of up to 25mph.
California sea lions have been known to dive to depths of 274m and can remain underwater for 10 minutes.
California sea lions are used by the US Navy in search and retrieval operations to recover military devices.
Unlike other sea lion species, the California sea lion does not have a pronounced mane.
As opposed to ‘true seals’, California sea lions and other eared seals are adapted for movement on land and in the water. The bone structure in their limbs allows them to utilize front and hind flippers for walking.
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