南白犀是一種大型有蹄類動物,原生於非洲南部 (南非、納米比亞、辛巴威、肯亞、烏干達、尚比亞)。牠們的體型巨大寬厚,有厚實的灰色皮膚。南白犀有兩支角,前側的角比後側的角長上許多。南白犀有幾乎呈長方形的頭部和方形的吻部。牠們的頭頂有凸出的耳朵,脖子底部的肌肉組織則形成肉峰來支撐頭部。雄性南白犀體長為 3.7 至 4 公尺,身高 170 至 188 公分,平均體重為 2,300 公斤。雌性的體長為 3.4 至 3.65 公尺,身高 160 至 177 公分,平均體重為 1,700 公斤。

Latin Name
Ceratotherium simum simum
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Associated Product
Animal Facts
The Southern white rhinoceros is the most numerous rhinoceros species.
93% of the entire population of Southern white rhinoceros live in South Africa.
The Southern white rhinoceros has mutualistic relationships with cattle egrets, red-billed oxpeckers and cape starlings, 3 bird species that remove parasites from their skin.
Although the Southern white rhinoceros has no natural predators, they have been seen with scars as the result of fighting with hyenas.
The Southern white rhinoceros is the largest pure grazer in the world.
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