耳廓狐是一種棲息在撒哈拉沙漠的小型犬科動物,牠們背部、頭部和尾巴的毛皮為黃棕色,腿部、腹部和臉部的毛則是白色。耳廓狐最顯眼的特徵是那對又大又尖的耳朵。耳廓狐的體型非常小,肩高為 18 至 22 公分,頭部加身體的長度為 34 至 40 公分。牠們的尾巴最長可達 25 公分,耳長則為 9 至 10 公分。其體重介於 0.8 至 1.9 公斤之間。雄性的體型比雌性稍大。耳廓狐未被列為瀕危物種,雖然牠們的族群數量不明,但普遍認為不在少數。

Latin Name
Vulpes zerda
Conservation Status
Animal Category
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Animal Facts
The fennec fox has very large ears that dissipate heat and are able to hear prey underground.
The fennec fox is the smallest canid species.
The paw pads of the fennec fox are covered in thick fur to allow them to walk on the hot sand of the Sahara desert.
Fennec foxes are highly vocal and will chatter, whimper, wail, growl and shriek to communicate with their pack mates.
Like many desert dwelling animals, the fennec fox does not rely on access to water sources. Instead, they can subsist on dew and the water contained in their food.
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