熊貍,又名貄貓,是一種生活於南亞和東南亞森林的哺乳類物種。其身軀長而結實,腿則相對較短且寬大。牠們有粗硬的黑色毛髮、棕色的臉部和尖端為白色的圓耳朵。雌性熊貍的體型大約比雄性大上 20%。熊貍的頭部加身體長為 71 至 91 公分、尾巴長 56 至 91 公分。雄性熊貍約 9 至 20 公斤重,雌性則為 11 至 32 公斤。

Latin Name
Arctictis binturong
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Associated Product
Animal Facts
The genus of the binturong is ‘Arctictis’ which means ‘bear-weasel’.
The binturong is an excellent climber but is slow moving so does not leap from branch to branch, instead preferring to move between trees on the ground.
Binturongs are a very vocal species, making ‘purring’ and ‘chuckling’ noises when happy and ‘wailing’ when upset.
The binturong is an important seed disperser for the strangler fig because unlike other animals, it’s digestive system can break through the tough seed shell.
The binturong’s scent glands secrete a substance that smells like popcorn.