Jurassic World Evolution 2 is the much-anticipated sequel to Frontier’s highly successful Jurassic World Evolution, building upon the groundbreaking and immersive 2018 management simulation. It introduces a compelling, new narrative campaign, incredible new features, and awe-inspiring new dinosaurs brought to life with captivating authenticity. Together with expanded construction and more customisation options, the result is an even bigger, better and authentic Jurassic World game.
Jurassic World Evolution 2 is the much-anticipated sequel to Frontier’s highly successful Jurassic World Evolution. This bold new era in the Jurassic World Evolution game franchise builds upon the ground-breaking and immersive 2018 management simulation.
Jurassic World Evolution 2 © 2021 Universal City Studios LLC and Amblin Entertainment, Inc. All Rights Reserved. © 2021 Frontier Developments, plc. All rights reserved.
《侏罗纪世界:进化 2》- 1.2.2 版更新信息
我们在全平台发布了新的《侏罗纪世界:进化 2》修补程序。这次修补程序解决了 2001A 迅猛龙羽毛的问题以及社区报告的其他问题。
《侏罗纪世界:进化 2》- 1.2.1 版更新信息
我们在全平台发布了《侏罗纪世界:进化 2》的修补程序。这次修补程序解决了部分崩溃问题,也带来了 HDR 校准画面及部分本地化更新。
白垩纪早期套件 - 发射拖车
Breathe new life into your parks and discover a stunning array of Cretaceous animals with Jurassic World Evolution 2: Early Cretaceous Pack. Expand your park with four thrilling prehistoric species, including land dwelling dinosaurs, and marine and flying reptiles. This includes the Kronosaurus, Minmi, Dsungaripterus and Wuerhosaurus.
《侏罗纪世界:进化 2》- 1.2.0 版更新信息
我们很高兴在此宣布,白垩纪早期套件和免费的第 1 版更新已正式推出!白垩纪早期套件为《侏罗纪世界:进化 2》带来了 4 种令人兴奋的史前动物:乌尔禾龙、敏迷龙、准噶尔翼龙和克诺龙,而第 1 版更新则带来更多可游玩地图、更多建筑物组合、为飞行爬虫类准备的岩石栖息点和多项游戏质量改进,以及错误修正。详情请见下方的完整补丁说明。
物种图鉴 - 海王龙
Welcome to the Species Field Guide, a series focused on bringing you up to date information on a range of the prehistoric animals and dinosaurs in Jurassic World Evolution 2. This week is focused on another new marine reptile in Jurassic World Evolution 2, the Tylosaurus, one of the largest mosasaurs of all time.