红眼树蛙 (Agalychnis callidryas) 是一种树栖性两栖动物,生活在中美洲热带雨林地区。雌蛙的体型比雄蛙大,但无论雌雄都有相同特征。顾名思义,红眼树蛙有着一双鲜红的眼睛,瞳孔为黑色,背部和四肢上部呈亮绿色,所以如果红眼树蛙蜷曲身体并闭上眼睛,它们就能伪装成周遭树叶融入环境。红眼树蛙体侧和四肢内侧呈蓝色,黄色条纹分布其中,并有着橙色脚趾和白色的下腹部。

Latin Name
Agalychnis callidryas
Conservation Status
Animal Category
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Animal Facts
It is believed that the red eyes of this frog evolved as a startle display; the frog is well camouflaged with eyes closed, but if under threat it can open its eyes to shock a potential predator.
Red-eyed tree frogs have extremely sticky feet due to their surface being made up of an uneven microscopic hexagon pattern. This allows them to crawl upside down and stick to most surfaces, even when carrying the weight of another frog.
Red-eyed tree frog eggs can detect vibrations from nearby predators and may hatch early to escape harm.
Despite their bright colouration that may be perceived as a warning to predators, red-eyed tree frogs are not poisonous.
Red-eyed tree frog tadpoles can survive for up to 20 hours out of water.
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