白面卷尾猴 (Cebus capucinus) 是生活在树上的灵长类动物,栖息于哥伦比亚、巴拿马和厄瓜多尔的森林中。卷尾猴有 11 个种及更多的亚种,白面卷尾猴的特征是黑色体毛以及肩膀、上胸部到脸部周围特有的白毛,头顶上还有像帽子的黑毛,粉红色的脸上则覆盖了稀疏的毛发,并有着朝向前方的棕色双眼。白面卷尾猴体长 33 到 45 厘米,尾巴则长达 35 到 55 厘米,体重 1.5 到 4 公斤。雄性的体型比雌性更大且体重更重。

Latin Name
Cebus capucinus
Conservation Status
Animal Category
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Animal Facts
The white-faced capuchin is known to rub certain types of leaves on its fur; this is thought to be a method to deter parasites.
Snakes are the main predators of the white-faced capuchin; monkeys have been known to attack snakes with sticks to save an infant capuchin.
The capuchin monkey is named after capuchin monks, who wore long hooded robes that covered all but their face, similar to the pattern of the white-faced capuchin monkey’s fur.
White-faced capuchin monkeys are extremely intelligent and have been trained to assist paraplegics and to star in film and television roles.
White-faced capuchin monkeys play games where one will put something in their mouth and then their peers will attempt to pry it out.
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