驯鹿 (Rangifer tarandus) 是生活在北极和亚北极带的有蹄类动物,常见于加拿大、美国阿拉斯加州、俄罗斯、挪威、芬兰和格陵兰。驯鹿的外观会根据原生地与季节而改变,但毛色大多为棕色和白色,脸部下半与口鼻呈白色,口鼻通常颜色较深。驯鹿还有很大的鹿角,角上许多分岔尖端密生棕色茸毛。雄性身长 1.8 至 2.1 米,体重 159 至 182 公斤。雌性身长约 1.6 至 2.05 米,体重介于 80 至 120 公斤之间。

Latin Name
Rangifer tarandus
Conservation Status
Animal Category
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Animal Facts
There are 12 living subspecies of reindeer and 2 extinct subspecies. Different subspecies live in different geographical areas and environments, and also look slightly different.
The North American reindeer (caribou) migrates up to 5000km, the furthest of any land mammal.
Reindeer are the only species of deer where both males and females grow antlers (although in some reindeer subspecies, the females have lost their antlers).
Reindeer shed their antlers every year so new ones can grow. Males shed their antlers at the end of the mating season and females shed theirs after they have given birth.
The most mature and dominant reindeer stags have the largest antlers.
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