眼镜熊 (Tremarctos ornatus) 是一种中型的熊科动物,原生于南美洲的安第斯山区。它有着厚厚的黑色皮毛,脸部和胸口有白色斑纹。跟其他熊科动物相比,它的脸部较扁,可以看出它与已经灭绝的短面熊有着近亲关系。眼镜熊跟其他熊科动物一样,两性异形极为明显,雌熊的体型远远小于雄熊。雄眼镜熊的站立肩高为 76 厘米到 91 厘米,体重为 100 公斤到 200 公斤,雌熊的站立肩高则为 60 厘米到 73 厘米,体重只有 35 公斤到 82 公斤。

Latin Name
Tremarctos ornatus
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
The spectacled bear is the last remaining short-faced bear in the world, with the last related genuses going extinct about 12,000 years ago.
While the spectacled bear is the largest carnivore in much of its South American range, only around 5% of its diet actually consists of meat.
The spectacled bear is known as 'jukumari' in the Aymara and Quechua languages, or as 'ukumari' in Quechua.
The scientific name of the spectacled bear's genus, 'Tremarctos', is made up of the Greek words for 'hole' and 'bear', referring to a distinct hole in the bear's upper arm bone.
Spectacled bears are highly arboreal and will sleep and hide in trees.
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