克氏冕狐猴 (Propithecus coquereli) 仅分布在马达加斯加西北部的雨林中,这种中等体型的狐猴当前被列为极危物种。它们的身体覆盖着颜色明显的白色毛皮,四肢、胸部和背部有深红色的斑块,靠近尾巴处则会渐褪为灰色。它们黑色的脸上有黄色的眼睛,鼻子上有带状的白色部分,脸部周围有短短的白色环状毛。此物种没有明显的两性异形,雌雄的长相相似,但有时能看到体型比雄猴稍大的雌猴。克氏冕狐猴的体长介于 42 到 54 厘米之间,尾巴长度为 50 到 60 厘米,体重落在 3.7 到 4.3 公斤之间。

Latin Name
Propithecus coquereli
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
Like all lemurs, sifakas have a toothcomb - tightly standing lower incisors that are used to comb through fur or assist feeding.
Polyandry in sifakas is thought to have evolved to reduce male infanticide by making it impossible to trace paternity in a group.
When in oestrus, female sifakas are only receptive for one day during the mating season.
Sifakas have a unique method of terrestrial locomotion: instead of walking on all fours like other lemurs, they hop on their hind legs and use their tail for balance.
Traditionally, Malagasy culture prohibits killing of sifakas due to a legend in which a sifaka leapt to save a boy falling from a tree when he was stung by bees that attacked him while collecting honey.
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