苏卡达陆龟 (Centrochelys sulcata) 又被称为非洲盾臂龟,是非洲大陆上体型最大的陆龟,也是全世界体型第三大的陆龟。它们栖息在萨赫勒和撒哈拉地区的半干旱莽原与灌木地。其椭圆形的甲壳介于棕色和米色之间,盾片的颜色越往边缘越深,且上有生长轮。在外观上,雄龟和雌龟很相似,只有腹甲上的盾片略有不同,不过雄龟有机会长得比雌龟更大。平均而言,雄性苏卡达陆龟的背甲直线长度最长可达 86 厘米,体重可达 80 公斤,雌龟的背甲直线长度平均为 58 厘米,体重在 30 到 50 公斤之间。

Latin Name
Centrochelys sulcata
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
There are more African spurred tortoises in captivity than there are in the wild, due to their popularity as pets. This provides an opportunity for pet owners to support reintroduction programmes.
African spurred tortoises are apt diggers and will excavate burrows to reach cooler, moist soil. On hot days, they will retreat to these burrows and enter a dormant state, called aestivation.
Upon reaching a certain size and weight (around 30kg), it is thought that African spurred tortoises experience almost no predation. Most mature tortoises in the wild die when they cannot right themselves after falling on their backs.
African spurred tortoises have keratinous spurs on their hind legs for which they are named. It is unknown what purpose these spurs serve.
While African spurred tortoises are herbivorous, they have been seen eating carrion from dead animals from time to time.
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