西部低地大猩猩 (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) 原生于喀麦隆、赤道几内亚、加蓬、刚果共和国与尼日尔南部,在雨林、沼泽森林和废弃农地生活与觅食。它们有黑色的皮肤、向前直视的深色眼睛、突出的眉脊、巨大的鼻孔,以及除了脸部、耳朵、手和脚以外覆盖全身的粗糙毛发。雄性猩猩体型比雌性猩猩大,而且雄性猩猩成年后背上的毛发会变成灰色,因此被称为“银背”。大猩猩会组成小型群体生活,由一只银背带领雌性猩猩、年轻雄性猩猩和幼猩猩。

Latin Name
Gorilla gorilla gorilla
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
Gorillas create and use tools, using branches they have modified to get food that is out of reach, or to measure the depth of water.
Gorillas have been taught sign language successfully – Koko the gorilla, born in San Francisco Zoo, learned over 1100 signs.
Gorillas are the largest primate species.
Gorillas are incredibly important to the forests in which they live because their feeding and roaming habits disperse fruit seeds.
Gorillas build nests daily that they sleep in at night; these nests are usually in trees.